Wednesday, December 3, 2008


How does one start the next blog entry? ........

Well, today we walked from our hotel to the Sydney Harbor Bridge to do the bridge climb. Once again, no cameras allowed, ergggh. After donning a lovely jumpsuit, belt, radio, cable attachment and headphones, we began our ascent. The climb took 2 hours but was not very tough at all. Many stops along the way for a bit of a rest. The wind helped keep the heat away and, of course, the views were fantastic. To our right was the opera house, to the left city landscape/harbor and underneath the ocean. GORGEOUS!! They took pictures of us along the way that we could purchase but were not too flattering and did not take advantage of the surrounding views so we declined.

After our climb, we walked over to the opera house. The original plan was to take a tour but, surprisingly, we opted to attend a ballet instead. I never realized looking at it but there are several theatres inside, not just one big one. Anyway, we saw Manon. Hmmm, not much to say about it. I enjoyed it, George tolerated it :)

Tomorrow marks the beginning of George's poker tournament. Sometimes I watch but I think this time I am going shopping or exploring. We are right next to Darling Harbor which has a pier with several shops and restaurants. Plenty to keep me occupied.....

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